Part I
Forgiveness. You can say something like: "I forgive myself for the mistakes I've made."
Part II
Kindness. Know that you are lovable, even if you don't feel like it. Treat yourself the way you would treat a small child or friend. Don't beat yourself up for making a mistake. Mistakes are how we learn and grow.
Part III
Learn from your mistakes. No one is perfect, so don't be down on yourself for being human. When you goof up, make sure you take the lesson with you. (See how in the photo the "old stuff" nourishes and even protects the growth of the new?)
Part IV
Ask for help if you need help.
Part V
Keep growing and looking for the positive.
Ask yourself these questions:
What am I grateful for? If it's hard to come up with something, start with the basics, breathing, breakfast, friendship, swimming, ice cream... you get the idea.
Ask yourself each evening:
What was the best part of my day?
What do I look forward to tomorrow?
*Give yourself a hug,
give someone else a hug,
take a deep breath,
do a kindness for someone else
(get out of your self).*
give someone else a hug,
take a deep breath,
do a kindness for someone else
(get out of your self).*
You can do this! :-)
Aunt Laya
Thanks to xpistwv and for the wonderful photo.