Believe in yourself!
"You are a good person, that is the truth about you. It's good to remember that good people make mistakes. When you find you have made a mistake, do what you can to correct, repair, or heal and go on from there. You are not your mistakes. you are something wonderful, a masterpiece of the Creator." --Laya Saul
(From "You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way--What I Wish Someone Had Told Me")
Aunt Laya
Yes, we all make mistakes. One mistake I made was not staying in Eretz Yisrael when I had the chance; two of my kids are there, two others visiting for summer break...but they will return (I guess the whole is greater than the sum of the mistakes, after all!)
May Hashem protect all of us and you & your family, too (& regards to the Gr--- family down south!)
I am there in spirit...
Aunt Laya
This is so true, thank you for share this. This is a truth it took me many years to execpt.. You have a great insight and I feel you are well educated so excuse my poor spelling. I just wanted to express I have enjoyed reading your blog. God bless..
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